Where do you start? Business Plan – check (I’ve been awake most nights blooming thinking about it!)
Website – jeez there are so many platforms to choose from but the first one I land on has my perfect URL – check.
What the hell do I call myself? Amanda Watson Consultancy… nah BORING! What did my mum call out that day when she was sat on the loo dosed up on painkillers… ah yes HUNGRY HORACE! Perfect – check
Money… errrrrr NO! That’s enough for today.
I need an email… just in case all those potential clients come flooding in today – I’ve got my fingers and toes crossed. But hang on… nobody knows about me!
LinkedIn – Now that scares me…what will everyone think! They’ll think I’m stupid and laugh at me for even giving this a go. Maybe I should just get a job?
Twitter – Not so bad, nobody knows me on there… I need followers, so lets see… boyfriend, brother, next door neighbour and my best friend… 4 followers on day 1, not bad going!
I’m going to write a blog, blogs are good – what am I going to write about? Eugh this is harder than I thought! Park that one for today.
Website – let’s work on that today… right – What am I selling? CONSULTANCY! When am I selling it? NOW Who am I selling it to? EVERYONE! Maybe I should have been a cheerleader?
I need to start meeting people but I’m getting conflicting advice from other budding entrepreneurs… “go to the opening of an envelope” says one “Use your time wisely and target network” says another. Well I’ve got to start somewhere so I heard tell of an envelope opening so off I go.
Holy mother of Horace! A 60 second pitch… errrrrrmmmmmm… “my name is… my name is errrr Amanda from Hungry Horse, I mean Hungry Horace and I’m a bus conductor, oh my word no I’m not!! I’m a Consultant, a Business Consultant (phew!) I want to improve my cashflow, not your cashflow! (sigh) So that’s me… Amanda from Hungry Horse, a bus conductor looking to improve my cashflow – hello everyone (sits down defeated).
Well after yesterday’s disaster I don’t want to meet people anymore… let’s have another look at LinkedIn. I just need to man up and let everyone know I'm in business and mean business!! (Here we go with the cheerleading again). I've got my logo, Business name and contact info uploaded within minutes and a quick update to my bio and I'm rocking and rolling... now just press save... press it... press it! Eeeeeeeek I can't! I'm still afraid what people might think! KIDS, JUST COME AND PUSH THIS BUTTON FOR ME!! I hide behind the sofa too scared to look as they hit save... when I feel safe enough to come, out I'm back on the keys and refreshing the page continuously to check if anyone has commented... All night long... Nobody cares.
Hang on what happened to day 6 and 7?? Oh that's right it was the weekend.... what bloody weekend!!
Today I have a meeting and not just any meeting... A huge Architect in Manchester! I just asked and they accepted... who knew it could be that easy. So I have the morning to prepare... but prepare what? I am too excited planning how to spend the money!
I arrive super early and suddenly realise I don't know what he looks like! arghhhh! So I smile... at every male that walks in to the coffee shop... jeez I'm going to get myself arrested! Note to self: LinkedIn stalking is a good idea... no not stalking, I'll definitely get arrested - LinkedIn for familiarisation only!
I have a meeting with my Mentor and I'm excited to tell him everything I've been working on and to show him my website. I'm super proud of my logo, name and can't wait to tell him how far along I am. And.... he bursts my bubble! "I don't like your name - change it!" is the first thing he says to me. Oh well that's just fantastic! I have spent money on marketing it already and let the whole world know that Hungry Horace exists (and we all know how hard that was to do!). So I tell him the story behind it... he still doesn't like it! "I'll think about it" I say - Thought about it... not likely Mr!! I need to prove to him that people will buy from Hungry Horace - The challenge is on!
I need try again with this networking malarkey, I can't let one bad experience put me off. So I have a full week of events booked across Lancashire. If only I could make money from meeting people... By Joe I think I've got it!
Still networking... still struggling with it.
I think I'm getting better at this but time to put it to the test... The chair of the group asks if anybody has any news or anything they wish to bring up..."Yes - Do you all know what I do?" I chirp up. (I'm not even a member but I'm making the most of it at least!) - Yes they say... but the answers they give just don't do me justice so I take the opportunity (10 minutes) to enhance on my 60 seconds pitch BOOM! now they know what I do! I leave knowing I can do no more :). I'm starting to enjoy this.
With my new found confidence I'm booked on to another networking event. Straight away I am approached by someone that is looking for what I'm selling! I jump on the opportunity and bag my first Client! Oh Hallelujah, happy days - Fetch the Champagne! Super proud of myself and can't wait to get started!
First meeting with new Client... more networking (free bar ones are the best!)... social interaction - It's a very lonely place working for yourself.
I'm really struggling working from home... there are just too many distractions! My day usually goes... get up, showered and ready for the day by 10am (what? there has to be some perks!)... I'll just wash up and put the washing on before I start... 11am. Switch on the computer... write a to do list for the day... message from the kids "Mum I need this for school, can you just..." It's dinner time before I know it and I haven't managed a single peace of work! 1pm... switch on the computer and check and respond to my emails. 2pm... peg the washing out and get way laid with housework. 3pm... switch on the computer and finally manage to get started! 4pm... the kids are home "Mum can you help me with my homework?" "Mum, mum, mum"
All in all I've managed just 2 hours of a full day on my business - I need to get better at this.
Things are going really well... I have 3 Clients and enjoying every minute of it! My networking is paying off and people are recognising my branding wherever I go. The story of Hungry Horace is a hot topic as everyone seems to be intrigued by the name and logo - it's certainly a good talking point when meeting new people.
I've had another meeting with my Mentor and this time he wasn't so critical :) I think he was having a bad day.
Oh and I'm in the press! A newspaper and a golf magazine published my story! I even received a direct enquiry as a result - money well spent!
Where do you start? Business Plan – check (I’ve been awake most nights blooming thinking about it!)
Website – jeez there are so many platforms to choose from but the first one I land on has my perfect URL – check.
What the hell do I call myself? Amanda Watson Consultancy… nah BORING! What did my mum call out that day when she was sat on the loo dosed up on painkillers… ah yes HUNGRY HORACE! Perfect – check
Money… errrrrr NO! That’s enough for today.
I need an email… just in case all those potential clients come flooding in today – I’ve got my fingers and toes crossed. But hang on… nobody knows about me!
LinkedIn – Now that scares me…what will everyone think! They’ll think I’m stupid and laugh at me for even giving this a go. Maybe I should just get a job?
Twitter – Not so bad, nobody knows me on there… I need followers, so lets see… boyfriend, brother, next door neighbour and my best friend… 4 followers on day 1, not bad going!
I’m going to write a blog, blogs are good – what am I going to write about? Eugh this is harder than I thought! Park that one for today.
Website – let’s work on that today… right – What am I selling? CONSULTANCY! When am I selling it? NOW Who am I selling it to? EVERYONE! Maybe I should have been a cheerleader?
I need to start meeting people but I’m getting conflicting advice from other budding entrepreneurs… “go to the opening of an envelope” says one “Use your time wisely and target network” says another. Well I’ve got to start somewhere so I heard tell of an envelope opening so off I go.
Holy mother of Horace! A 60 second pitch… errrrrrmmmmmm… “my name is… my name is errrr Amanda from Hungry Horse, I mean Hungry Horace and I’m a bus conductor, oh my word no I’m not!! I’m a Consultant, a Business Consultant (phew!) I want to improve my cashflow, not your cashflow! (sigh) So that’s me… Amanda from Hungry Horse, a bus conductor looking to improve my cashflow – hello everyone (sits down defeated).
Well after yesterday’s disaster I don’t want to meet people anymore… let’s have another look at LinkedIn. I just need to man up and let everyone know I'm in business and mean business!! (Here we go with the cheerleading again). I've got my logo, Business name and contact info uploaded within minutes and a quick update to my bio and I'm rocking and rolling... now just press save... press it... press it! Eeeeeeeek I can't! I'm still afraid what people might think! KIDS, JUST COME AND PUSH THIS BUTTON FOR ME!! I hide behind the sofa too scared to look as they hit save... when I feel safe enough to come, out I'm back on the keys and refreshing the page continuously to check if anyone has commented... All night long... Nobody cares.
Hang on what happened to day 6 and 7?? Oh that's right it was the weekend.... what bloody weekend!!
Today I have a meeting and not just any meeting... A huge Architect in Manchester! I just asked and they accepted... who knew it could be that easy. So I have the morning to prepare... but prepare what? I am too excited planning how to spend the money!
I arrive super early and suddenly realise I don't know what he looks like! arghhhh! So I smile... at every male that walks in to the coffee shop... jeez I'm going to get myself arrested! Note to self: LinkedIn stalking is a good idea... no not stalking, I'll definitely get arrested - LinkedIn for familiarisation only!
I have a meeting with my Mentor and I'm excited to tell him everything I've been working on and to show him my website. I'm super proud of my logo, name and can't wait to tell him how far along I am. And.... he bursts my bubble! "I don't like your name - change it!" is the first thing he says to me. Oh well that's just fantastic! I have spent money on marketing it already and let the whole world know that Hungry Horace exists (and we all know how hard that was to do!). So I tell him the story behind it... he still doesn't like it! "I'll think about it" I say - Thought about it... not likely Mr!! I need to prove to him that people will buy from Hungry Horace - The challenge is on!
I need try again with this networking malarkey, I can't let one bad experience put me off. So I have a full week of events booked across Lancashire. If only I could make money from meeting people... By Joe I think I've got it!
Still networking... still struggling with it.
I think I'm getting better at this but time to put it to the test... The chair of the group asks if anybody has any news or anything they wish to bring up..."Yes - Do you all know what I do?" I chirp up. (I'm not even a member but I'm making the most of it at least!) - Yes they say... but the answers they give just don't do me justice so I take the opportunity (10 minutes) to enhance on my 60 seconds pitch BOOM! now they know what I do! I leave knowing I can do no more :). I'm starting to enjoy this.
With my new found confidence I'm booked on to another networking event. Straight away I am approached by someone that is looking for what I'm selling! I jump on the opportunity and bag my first Client! Oh Hallelujah, happy days - Fetch the Champagne! Super proud of myself and can't wait to get started!
First meeting with new Client... more networking (free bar ones are the best!)... social interaction - It's a very lonely place working for yourself.
I'm really struggling working from home... there are just too many distractions! My day usually goes... get up, showered and ready for the day by 10am (what? there has to be some perks!)... I'll just wash up and put the washing on before I start... 11am. Switch on the computer... write a to do list for the day... message from the kids "Mum I need this for school, can you just..." It's dinner time before I know it and I haven't managed a single peace of work! 1pm... switch on the computer and check and respond to my emails. 2pm... peg the washing out and get way laid with housework. 3pm... switch on the computer and finally manage to get started! 4pm... the kids are home "Mum can you help me with my homework?" "Mum, mum, mum"
All in all I've managed just 2 hours of a full day on my business - I need to get better at this.
Things are going really well... I have 3 Clients and enjoying every minute of it! My networking is paying off and people are recognising my branding wherever I go. The story of Hungry Horace is a hot topic as everyone seems to be intrigued by the name and logo - it's certainly a good talking point when meeting new people.
I've had another meeting with my Mentor and this time he wasn't so critical :) I think he was having a bad day.
Oh and I'm in the press! A newspaper and a golf magazine published my story! I even received a direct enquiry as a result - money well spent!